Bitcoin is a digital currency and as there are no physical forms of it, it cannot be stored anywhere. The transaction signatures and Bitcoin addresses need to be secured. A bitcoin transaction is possible with the combinations of your private key and recipient’s public key. free btc works in this procedure and private keys are necessary for purchasing purposes.

Types of wallets

  1. Paper

Paper is an essential document that contains access to the public address of the recipient key that allows transactions. The Paper has QR code printed and it allows quick scanning and the keys are transferred to the software wallet to make the transactions. The advantages of paper wallets are that keys are stored offline make it less immune to hacker attacks.

  1. Mobile

For those using Bitcoin daily, the mobile Bitcoin application comes in handy. It runs on an app by storing all your private keys and paying things directly from your phones. Mobile wallets work with small subsets of blockchain and relying on trusted nodes to have the correct information. Free BTC is possible also through mobile wallets.

  1. Web

Web wallets keep all your private keys on a server constantly connected with a third party. Different services allow the linking of mobile and web applications. E-wallets use users to access funds on the easy go. If these wallets are not protected, then hackers can get an easy chance to enter into your transactions.

  1. Physical Bitcoin

Physical Bitcoin has a specified amount of BTC but it cannot be spending as long as the private key is hidden. Physical Bitcoins are safe to use especially while trading offline. The transactions can be made only after achieving a tamper-evident seal.

These are some of the different types of wallets. Be cautious while using it and double-check before making transactions.